但如果真的找到一份工作, 是讓人窩在家裡數鈔票的!?
那恭喜! 九成九, 是碰到詐騙集團了
上星期一, 在朋友自稱找到自己新工作的網站(craigslist.com) 投履歷表
不到幾分鐘, 就收到回應
due to some certain factors you have been picked as one of our possible candidate
<------------ "some certain factors " 具體是哪些因素, 為什麼不能講詳細一點?
Inc. has it's head office in Bossier City, Louisiana and will soon be opening a Branch Office in your area by Next Month.
<------------- 目前波士頓, 去找也找不到辦公室就是了= =
Please find below the Summary of your First Primary task(Collection of Payments):
1. Receive payments (Made Payable to you) from our Customers or Clients.
2. Cash Payment at your Bank or any cashing facilities near you.
3. Deduct 10 % which will be your percentage/pay on Payment processed
4. Forwarding balance after deduction of percentage/pay to our consultants.
<--------------- 重點來了! 第一份工作是, 幫公司收錢! 呃, 連面試都沒有, 這家公司就放心讓一個只通過一封email的人幫公司收錢, 還是放在這個人自己的銀行帳戶裡 OTZ
Get back to us with information below for reconfirmation, so that we can add your mailing address to our Regional database and forward it to our customers for them to start sending payments.
First name....................
Middle name..................
Last name....................
Address Line 1...............
Address Line 2...............
Zip/Postal code..........................
Home phone...................
Cell phone....................
<------------------ 確認姓名電話住址. 沒要銀行帳號密碼或入會費等容易啟人遺竇的項目, 是此騙局高明之處
好奇的回了他們一封信, 5分鐘內就接到回應:
How are you today? Thanks for your response.We have received your information and will process with our customers.You should start receiving checks by Wednesday. Also we have no problem with you using your account for the transactions. Your information that we have is enough for us to trust you.
<------------------------------ 於是, 第一句"How are you today?"就漏餡了= = 在米國, 沒有一個經理或人事部門的人會和求職者話家常, 用如此日常的口吻...
我在回信中, ""好心""""提醒他們該另外成立一個獨立的銀行帳號, 這傢伙卻說我提供的信息, 已經足夠讓公司信任我, 要我把錢存到自己帳戶裡去= =
信的收尾也有問題, 沒Quote這個人的姓名, 職稱, 公司的地址和電話等資料, 這種收尾在米國的正式email裡是基本禮儀
顧問回答: craigslist.com上有很多騙局, 如果公司沒給清楚的地址和業務, 離他們遠一點!
(P.S.我不相信推薦這個網站給我的朋友會陷害人... 應該是她只搜尋全職工作, 我同時搜尋"兼差"和"臨時工"的關係)
星期二一早, 我就發email和這家公司斷絕聯係
1. 此公司開假商店,在客人下訂金, 和寄出分期付款的頭款給人頭帳戶後, 公司就切電話線, 不履行送貨. 客人找不這家公司, 手上唯一的線索是收錢者的姓名電話和地址. 於是上法院時, 告狀就告到人頭帳戶身上
2. 寄錢的客戶, 以為自己是將錢存到年金或基金裡, 並另外向公司定期繳納手續費. 在家裡收錢數鈔票的人, 最後會被客戶要求, 連本帶利的把錢吐出來
3. .....................